Friday, May 20, 2011

Day One: Arrival into Gatwick, London

In the Blink of an Eye: Rose Just Outside Aunt Doreen & Uncle Albert's Flat
Within Ear shot: Joan Baez 1960's Album (in response to her love affair with Bob Dylan)
Nose Sniffing: Leather journal brought to me as a present from Hong Kong (thanks, Steve)
Hand Grazed: Blue pole on the Underground (along with three other hands)
And Still Savoring: Mint offered to me at landing by a British man across the aisle

And so I write

Not for me or for you

But for all of us

And even then

There is more

So I write

Just to write

To feel the way

My fingers bump the keys

To understand better the passage of time

If only a little bit more

To take the clouds upon my mind

And turn them into shapes here

Upon this page

Do not be mistaken

This is not life

Life happens

It exists in the turn of a page

The about to click on your mouse

The moment at the top of your breath

The air before our hands do meet for the first time

And there is no way to capture that

But just to smile in the almost

And find how to continue onto the next…

Thank you for reading and sharing in the start of this journey.